Enhance your sales skills on a daily basis and achieve outstanding sales results
Receive professional feedback & tools you can apply right away, with our PSP™ Beyond Selling Masterclasses and PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops where our personal trainers support you in reaching new heights.

Enhance your skills in your sales work
With Transformative Sales Enhancement, you have the opportunity to further polish the skills you have gained through Transformative Sales Meeting.
Transformative Sales Enhancement consists of 2 programs - A series of PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops and PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses - Which can be combined, for the best results, or taken separately. Both programs follow the samme carefully chosen topics, through a mix of face-to-face training and virtual training, which gives you the best prerequisites for learning.

The best possible outcome
What makes Transformative Sales Enhancement unique, is that your learning has no limit - the outcome of your process only depends on you and your commitment! If you are truly committed, you have the opportunity to train what you have learned on-the-job og achieve the highest possible learning.
NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science has visualized the learning pyramid, which shows that some of the highest learning happens when the learned is used in practice. If you are committed and train the tools you are introduced to, you also get the best requisites to have constructive discussions with our Master Trainers afterwards.
Strengthen your sales skills through our interactive workshops!
Through our PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops, you, in collaboration with other salespeople, will gain the tools to further develop your sales performance, right away!
With a combination of videos with our master trainers and a certified facilitator guiding you through the courses, you will be equipped with tools you can apply instantly in your sales work.
Are you struggling with progression in your sales work?
Joining our PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses, you will have a unique opportunity to ask and discuss your specific cases with our master trainers, and find new ways to solve your issues.
Although the course consists of a series of specific topics, you will be able to include questions regarding our other PSP™ online programs, to use the webinar to enhance your other acquired skills.
PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops
PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops are a series of online workshops developed from our successful face to face live programs, with videos from our master trainers Joseph Riggio and Henrik Wenøe, facilitated by a certified trainer who will guide you through the session, creating a perfect learning balance between the knowledge of our master trainers & a certified facilitator to support you in the process.
With either your own certified facilitator or one from Acuity World, you will have the opportunity to clear up any uncertainties right away, to make use of the results immediately.
The workshop consists of 10 sessions, one each month, for approximately 2 hours each session. Each lesson is 2 videos with a focus on you and a specific topic. PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshop can be conducted with a facilitator through Zoom or in person.
PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses
Our PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses consist of live discussions with our master trainers Joseph Riggio and Henrik Wenøe, where they help the participants with any problem they have faced using different applied tools. The course focuses on deepening your skills by giving you the personal support you need to overcome the challenges you have faced during your practice of the learned skills at your workplace.
The masterclasses will therefore give you suggestions on how our master trainers would solve your issues, along with other participants' advice. This way, PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses can also help you prepare for any future struggles, from listening to others and how they solve their problems. Remember, to get the highest outcome from your webinar you have to engage in discussions and share your thoughts.
The masterclasses consist of 10 live sessions, one each month, each with a length of 2 hours, conducted on Zoom, making it convenient for you in the presence of your own home.

"Success has to do with deliberate practice. Practice must be focused, determined, and in an environment where there's feedback."
Malcolm Gladwell
Combine the programs for the best possible outcome
Combining PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses & PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops can accelerate your learning, advance your skills, and optimize your sales performance.
Focusing on a specific topic each month, you can combine the 2 programs, first to gain knowledge that you can train in practice, and 2 weeks after clear up any uncertainty you met, with our master trainers. You will then get answers and personal coaching from our master trainers in order to solve the actual cases in your real working environment.
Learning from others real experiences
Together with a group of like-minded sales professionals, you can benefit even more by learning from each other's cases at PSP™ Beyond Selling Facilitated Workshops & PSP™ Beyond Selling Global Masterclasses. The monthly topics of workshops & masterclassess are:
- Clear purpose/clear mind (January)
- Closing the trust gap (February
- Setting the stage for success (March)
- Gathering the gold (April)
- Mind reading for your sales professionals (May)
- Turning on your customers desire (June)
- Before, between & beyond words (August)
- Building agreement with integrity (September)
- Instant understanding (October)
- Creating profound satisfaction (November)
Are you ready to take the next step?
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you would like to have more information or arrange a free consulting session of how to enhance sales performance of your company.