Our Approach
Employees with strong personal and social skills perform best!
Employees with strong personal and social skills perform best
Employees who generate excellent performance and outcomes understand how to combine a high level of expertise and sound business acumen with strong personal and social skills. In other words, successful employees are those who have the personal and social skills required to convert theoretical skills into to practical results. In our experience, most organizations are really good at the professional and commercial side of their business but their employees often have issues with personal and social skills. Our aim is to ensure that the employees in your organization acquire the personal and social skills that are needed for you to achieve your goals.
Training courses and coaching at senior management level
Senior managers are required to handle a wide variety of challenges in their jobs every single day. Consequently, senior managers often need a sounding board to bounce ideas off and to enable them to identify the best solution to their challenges. Acuity World offers coaching and individual or team-based counseling programs based on our expertise in leadership, communication, management, sales and marketing. In addition, we offer skills in coaching which enable senior managers and their teams to achieve extraordinary results. In each individual case, a program is compiled to suit the senior manager or the team to be coached. This service can vary from a single 4-hour session to a program of weekly or monthly meetings over a longer period of time.
NLP™ (neuro-linguistic programming) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California in the 1970s. It has proven to be if not the most effective then at least one of the best programs for generating positive change in human systems. Moreover, NLP™ offers an entire spectrum of effective communication tools that are extremely useful, not only for therapy but for any system or organization in which people have the desire to work effectively, both individually and together.
Acuity World collaborates with Dr. Richard Bandler’s Society of NLP, one of the leading organizations in this field. We are the only company in Denmark with the authorization to certify our clients in both PLP™ and NLP™.

New NLP™
New NLP™ focuses on a paradigm shift. We begin where traditional NLP™ leaves off, and focuses not only on modeling outstanding leaders at their best but teach you how to model yourself and to become aware of the person you are – of the state you are in – when you are yourself at your very best. This is the main conceptual change that distinguishes New NLP™ from traditional NLP™. This paradigm shift will change your starting point and your baseline will be your strengths rather than your weaknesses.
At Acuity World we do this both when we train individuals and when we work on facilitating change in groups, whether these be teams or large organizations.
We still use the term NLP™ because we believe that the tools in the NLP™ model are some of the most effective and advanced tools ever developed. You will find much more about New NLP™ and how to use it in volumes 1 and 2 of our books “Do what you do best!”.
The most important sources of inspiration for our programs are “The Satisfaction Cycle®” developed by Dr. Joseph Riggio, “The Generative Imprint Model” developed by Roye Fraser, “Appreciative Inquiry” developed by Dr. David L. Cooperrider, and Positive Psychology and Strength-based Leadership.
How we think?
Think about it! How do you motivate yourself? Do you focus on what doesn’t work for you today and what you would like to change? Or do you think about what you are already good at, and what else you need to do to achieve your goals?
In our experience, people who are successful at setting themselves attractive goals, and reaching them, choose to focus on what they are good at and what already works for them. They set their goals from a state of inner strength and a positive self-image. Our training programs and courses aim to help you do this.
The adage, “The chain is no stronger than its weakest link”, applies to mechanical systems but is not plausible for people and dynamic systems. A dynamic system is always able to optimize its behavior to comply with the requirements of a specific situation. It is not the weakest link, but rather the strongest component, that determines the overall strength of the system. In these cases, we believe that the strongest element – the talent – is crucial to the system’s strength and sets the limits for the performance of the system – what a person is able to achieve. This applies to you as an individual and to the groups to which you belong. Consequently, we believe in the value of focusing on what you are already good at – your talent.
The limit to people’s achievements are, therefore, not set by their weaknesses, but by their strengths – their talents. Therefore, when dealing with people, it makes much more sense to take what already works as the starting point than to begin with what doesn’t work.
What we do?
We have chosen to base our methods on what works instead of what doesn’t and we have experienced that it is very effective and pleasant to teach others how to put themselves in a positive state.
From a neurological point of view, our nervous system can either be in an open or a closed state. In the open state, our nerve impulses are free to move between neurons, but this is not the case in the closed state, as in this state the dendrites (branched protoplasmic extensions of a nerve cell) are closed and cannot receive signals.
During the time in which we have been working with NLP™, we have discovered that all humans have the ability to be in open and closed states. However, only a very few of us are aware of how we can actively put ourselves in a state that supports us in reaching our goals in any given situation. This is an ability that you can learn to use consciously so that you are able to start from an open and positive state. This process is called Soma-Semantic™ Modeling and was developed by the American NLP™ trainer Dr. Joseph Riggio. Soma-Semantic™ Modeling teaches you how to put yourself in an open state, the Generalized Desired State, usually abbreviated to GDS. At Acuity World, we help you become aware so that you can reach this open state on your own.
Contact us for personal advice
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you want more information about our services.