Customer Development Strategy
Customer Development Strategy is a concrete and useful tool for you to effectively develop strategies targeted towards finding new customers and developing customers to become your activists.
Making your customers grow your business!
The Customer Development Strategy is a concrete and strategic tool for those who want to know more about how to build a healthy and sustainable business - with customers in focus. In this program you get access to a value-adding way of thinking; a meta-strategy that your business can use to increase customer satisfaction and develop a whole new category of loyal customers - what we call activists.
Customer Acquisition vs. Customer Development
Most companies have a marketing budget, but only a few have a customer development budget. This program gives you an idea of how your business can achieve extraordinary benefits by balancing these two budgets. By focusing on not only getting new customers, but also developing your existing customers into loyal customers, your business will attain a much stronger top- and bottom line.

Activists - The customers every company dream of!
An activist is a customer who is so excited about you and your products, that they cannot help but tell others about you, your company, your products & services unsolicitedly & enthusiastically.
An activist creates 2.6 times more revenue than a fairly satisfied customer, and 14 times more revenue than a slightly dissatisfied customer. Thus, Activists have Greater Present Value for your business!
Activist are more than loyal customers. They are active promoters, who Create Your Next Sales for you!
The Customer Development Strategy aims at supporting your business to develop activists!
Customer Development Strategy course is available in both Online & Face-to-Face format.
Customer Development Strategy ONLINE
Our Online Learning Platform PSP™ supports optimizing your sales competence more effectively & easily.
- Flexibility & Mobility – You can learn anytime, anywhere & on any devices.
- Easy bit-size learning – Short videos accompanied by exercises and assessments making learning easy to digest.
- Effective daily application - Well-designed workbook & tools that encourage utilization of the skills you learned at your daily work.
- Online Live Coaching - Periodical support via online coaching sessions and live webinars are also available in parallel with the online program to accelerate your learning and sales performance.

A cost-effective way to optimize your sales force
Our Online Learning Platform PSP™ supports your company in optimizing competence of your salespeople more Effectively, Efficiently and Economically
- Cost-effectiveness – Online training minimizes time, resources and costs of travelling, venue and coordination of work in normal class-room training. It makes onboarding new salespeople faster & easier.
- Reach & Scale – Learning across different departments, regions & continents easily with the online format.
- Consistency – Accessing the same training materials, methodology & terminology makes communication more effective – not only within the sales departments, but also between different departments and management levels.
- Community support - We provide you with a private community, where your salespeople can share their experiences and support learning from each other and develop a learning culture.
Personal Selling Program - PSP™ Online
Customer Development Strategy is part of the Personal Selling Program - PSP™ Online Program, which includes:
- Customer Development Strategy
- The Hunter Program
- Virtual Customer Meeting
- Transformative Sales Meeting
- Beyond Selling

Customer Development Strategy Face-to-Face Training
You can also learn Customer Development Strategy Course face-to-face, where you can experience the power of the skills and get immediate feedback from our experienced trainers.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you would like to have more information or arrange a free consulting session of how to enhance sales performance of your company.