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Personal Leadership Program

Do you have the skills required to be an excellent leader? At Acuity World, we believe that successful leaders have the personal and social skills that make them capable of converting theoretical skills into actual results. Since 2001 more than 6000 people have attended our open courses and programs.

Personal Leadership Program

Acuity World’s Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ is targeted at executives, managers and everyone else with a professional responsibility for customer relations. Our education is founded on 4 levels with each 4 modules of 3½ days, on or more Master Classes of 2 days and 5 training sessions. Through intense training we take you on a journey that creates lasting development in your leadership. All levels are optional so it’s up to you whether you want to complete one or more levels.

4 levels of PLP

PLP™ I – we focus on your personal resources and how you can easily access them, when you need to.

PLP™ II – we focus on your communication skills – how you interact and how you motivate yourself and others.

PLP™ III – your specialization starts here. The tools from PLPTM I and PLPTM II will be put to use, and you will be able to immerse in the aspects that are of special relevance to you.

PLP™ IV – on this level you will engineer a development program for others.

Personal Leadership Program – PLP I


Create extraordinary performance for yourself and others!


On PLP I we focus primarily on your personal resources and how you can easily access them, when you need to. After that you will be able to form strong and healthy relationships with others.

On PLP™ I our goal is to teach you the skills you need to create the results and performance you want. You will learn how to lead yourself and others efficiently by strengthening your skills in particularly three categories: Personal Power, Personal Creativity and Personal Influence. Through this program you will get a much clearer idea of what you want in your life and you will learn to set well-defined goals for yourself. Furthermore, you will acquire the ability to communicate even more effectively.


Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ I consists of 4 modules of 3½ days, one or more Master Classes of 2 days and 5 Training Sessions. Through intense training we take you on a journey that creates lasting development in your leadership.

When you have completed this program you will receive one of the certificates below, depending on which PLP-package you have bought: 

  • PLP™ Practitioner certificate from the International Association of Personal Leadership – IAOPL™
  • NLP™ Practitioner certificate from the Society of NLP™ (Gold + Platinum)

Target Group

Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ I is targeted at executives, managers and everyone else with the desire to achieve the very best in their professional or private lives. PLP™ I is for you if you consider the development in your personal leadership to be paramount in taking you where you want to go.

Teaching method

On Personal Leadership Program we convert theories into to practical experience. During the program you will gain access to and strengthen your personal and authentic style as a leader and you will acquire concrete tools that you can implement right away. Our basic work methods are based on New NLP™ and through the last 15 years we have made our participants capable of creating extraordinary results.

Module 1: Personal Leadership 

  • Learn how to motivate yourself and others on a deeper level.
  • Learn how to set clear goals, how to reach them and how to create remarkable results.
  • Learn how to avoid stress and create balance in yourself and your employees.
  • Find your own authentic leadership style, and create a leadership with direction and impact

Module 2: Personal Communication  

  • Learn how to target your communication and attain better impact.
  • Strengthen your acuity and gain full access to your non-verbal communication.
  • Gain insight into you own and others’ thought structures – and make others buy in in your messages.

Module 3: Personal Coaching  

  • Acquire coaching tools to boost the performance of your employees.
  • Boost your creativity and acquire specific tools to think along new lines.
  • Acquire methods for enabling your employees to achieve more than expected

Module 4: Personal Selling 

  • Strengthen your ability to create strong relationships with both customers and employees.
  • Learn how to use your personal influence to make others buy into your ideas and products.
  • Learn to identify others’ buying strategies and how to activate these

Prices for PLP™ I

Silver Package

DKK 39.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • 5 training evenings
  • 1 bookset
  • 1 Personal Workbook
  • 1 Master Class
  • PLP™ Certificate (IAOPL)

Gold Package

DKK 45.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • 10 training evenings
  • 1 bookset
  • 1 Personal Workbook
  • 1 Master Class
  • 1 Acuity Day
  • 1 pre-coaching
  • 1 follow-up coaching
  • PLP™ Certificate (IAOPL)
  • NLP ™ Certificate (R. Bandler)

Silver package

DKK 65.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • 15 training evenings
  • 1 bookset
  • 1 Personal Workbook
  • 2 Master Class
  • 2 Acuity Day
  • 1 pre-coaching
  • 4 follow-up coaching
  • PLP™ Certificate (IAOPL)
  • NLP ™ Certificate (R. Bandler)

Personal Leadership Program – PLP II


Continue the development of your personal leadership skills to lead yourself and others efficiently!


On PLP™ II we build on the skills from PLP I. On PLP™ I we introduce you to our toolbox, but on PLP™ II the tools are deeply imbedded and personalized. You will experience how your communication skills become sharper and more efficient and you will start to focus on more levels of conversations.


Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ II consists of 4 modules of 3½ days, one or more Master Classes of 2 days and 5 Training Sessions. When you have completed this program you will receive one of the certificates below, depending on which PLP package you have bought: 

  • PLP™ Master Practitioner certificate from the International Association of Personal Leadership – IAOPL™
  • NLP™ Master Practitioner certificate from the Society of NLP™ – Dr. Richard Bandler

Target Group

Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ II is targeted at executives, managers and everyone else in the private and public sectors with the desire to achieve the very best in their professional or private lives. PLP™ II is for you if you consider the development of your personal leadership to be paramount in taking you where you want to go.

Talent Modelling Project

As a part of the program you will devise a modelling project to demonstrate your ability to decode others’ mental success strategies. The aim of the project is use all of the PLP™ tools and skills and integrate them as a natural part of your life.

Module 1: Advanced Charisma Discovery

  • Leading your own state: Your intuition as a personal strength.
  • Finding your personal core and coming across as authentic.
  • Metaphors: Discover the positive effect of using metaphors in storytelling.
  • Design of visions and visionary collaboration.

Module 2: Advanced Motivation Design

  • Motivation: How to motivate yourself and others.
  • Influence through dynamic and advanced language patterns.
  • Communication on three levels with particular focus on efficient non-verbal communication.
  • Efficient communication one-on-one and to large crowds.

Module 3: Advanced Talent Modelling

  • Talent Modelling: Learning from successful people with unique skills.
  • Techniques to performance coaching.
  • Human success criteria.
  • Concrete tools to boost the performance of others.

Module 4: Advanced Leadership

  • Leadership: Finding your authentic leadership style to facilitate change processes in yourself and others.
  • Effective persuasion and negotiation techniques.
  • Presentation: How to reach your audience and give them a memorable experience.
  • Learning to use your voice and be heard.

Prices for PLP™ II

Silver Package

DKK 39.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • 5 training evenings
  • 1 bookset
  • 1 Personal Workbook
  • 1 Master Class
  • PLP™ Certificate (IAOPL)

Gold Package

DKK 45.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • 10 training evenings
  • 1 bookset
  • 1 Personal Workbook
  • 1 Master Class
  • 1 Acuity Day
  • 1 pre-coaching
  • 1 follow-up coaching
  • PLP™ Certificate (IAOPL)
  • NLP ™ Certificate (R. Bandler)

Silver package

DKK 65.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • 15 training evenings
  • 1 bookset
  • 1 Personal Workbook
  • 2 Master Class
  • 2 Acuity Day
  • 1 pre-coaching
  • 4 follow-up coaching
  • PLP™ Certificate (IAOPL)
  • NLP ™ Certificate (R. Bandler)

Personal Leadership Program – PLP III


Continue your personal Leadership deveopment journey – and become a Business Coach.


When you have completed Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ II you are familiar with all techniques and tools required to shape your private and professional life. On PLP™ III your specialization begins. Here you will have a chance to concentrate on aspects of particular relevance to you.

You will be assigned a personal coach that monitors and helps you direct your personal progress. The program is designed so you participate in Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ I, but this time as an assistant trainer. You will attend all modules and ahead of each module you will receive personal coaching to plan and adjust your personal development plan. 


Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ III consists of 4 modules of 3½ days, one or more Master Classes of 2 days and 5 Training Sessions. Through intensive training, we take you on a journey that creates lasting development in your leadership. 

You also have the opportunity to become a certified PLP™ Business Coach with the right to use the title Executive Talent Coach. In addition to the aforementioned requirements you will need 100 hours of documented coaching.

PLP™ III focus points:

  • Your personal leadership style: What are your goals and strengths?
  • Specialization: You will have a personal development program.
  • Implementation: We help you integrate your skills into your life.
  • Competence: You will develop your skills and move from conscious competence to unconscious competence.
  • Coaching: You will attend the first part of the program as an assistant trainer and receive coaching from the trainers simultaneously.
  • Levels: Your focus will be on uncovering multiple levels of training to make you capable of modelling techniques that influence others on a conscious and unconscious level.

Requirements for Certification

After completing PLP™ I and II as well as attending PLP™ I as an assistant trainer, you have the opportunity to be certified as a PLP™ Performance Facilitator. The certification requires that you have completed your PLP™ III-project and that you have facilitated 5 training sessions. The aim of the PLP™ III-project is to manifest the skills you required on PLP™ I → III by formulating a project where you explore a topic from PLP™ I → III in depth. Your project study must include a description of the topic, your methods and your own thoughts on the matter.

Prices for PLP™ III


DKK 45.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • Facilitator of 5 training evenings
  • 1 Master Class
  • 1 Pre-coaching
  • 1 Follow-up Coaching

Certifikation Requirement - PLP™ Performance Facilitator 

  • Pass PLP™
  • Complete PLP™ III-Project
  • Faciliatator of 5 training sessions

Certifikation Requirement - PLP™ Business Coach

  • 100 hours' documented coaching

Personal Leadership Program – PLP IV


Advance your Personal Leadership and become a Professional Coach & Mentor.


With this program, you take another step and demonstrate your skills to your colleagues or others. You will be assigned to develop a program so that other people can learn from you. Your program can be shaped as course, a book, a series of articles or anything else you can think of. The choice is yours! The purpose is to manifest your learning and the topic you have chosen to specialize in. The program is designed like Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ III, which means you will continue to work with a personal coach to monitor you and support the development of your project. 


Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ IV consists of 4 modules of 3½ days, one or more Master Classes of 2 days and 5 Training Sessions. 

After completing PLP™ IV you are qualified to be certified as a PLP™ Professional Coach & Mentor by international standards.

PLP IV focus points:

  • Your own project: Use your skills to teach others.
  • Personal impact: Strengthen your ability to sell your leadership ideas to your organization.
  • Facilitation: You become a facilitator to your colleagues and employees.
  • Competency: Your goal is to become excellent – what we call unconscious competence – and able to reflect on the things you unconsciously do right in any given situation.
  • Coaching: You become an assistant trainer on Personal Leadership Program – PLP™ II. At the same time you are coached between each module.

Requirements for Certification

After completing PLP™ I, II and III as well as attending PLP™ II as an assistant trainer, you have the opportunity to be certified as a PLP™ Transformation Facilitator. The certification requires that you have completed your PLP™ IV-project and that you have facilitated 5 training sessions. The aim of your PLP™ IV-project is to manifest the skills you required on PLP™ IV by creating a book, an article, a course or somethings that shows that you have fully integrated the material.

You also have the opportunity to become a certified PLP™ Professional Coach & Mentor with the right to use the title Executive Mentor & Advisor. In addition to the aforementioned requirements you will need 750 hours of documented coaching.

Prices for PLP™ IV


DKK 45.950

ex. VAT

  • 4 modules of 3½ days
  • Facilitator of 5 training evenings
  • 1 Master Class
  • 1 Pre-coaching
  • 1 Follow-up Coaching

Certifikation Requirement - PLP™ Performance Facilitator 

  • Pass PLP™ I & II Exam
  • Complete PLP™ III-Project
  • Complete PLP™ IV-Project
  • Faciliatator of 5 training sessions

Certifikation Requirement - PLP™ Professionel Coach & Mentor

  • 750 hours' documented coaching

Contact us for personal advice 

Please contact us if you have any questions or if you want more information about our services.

+45 4448 6969 / [email protected]